

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Scientists examining the genomes of West Africans have detected signs that a mysterious extinct human species interbred with our own species tens of thousands of years ago in Africa, the latest evidence of humankind’s complicated genetic ancestry.








The study indicated that present-day West Africans trace a substantial proportion, some 2% to 19%, of their genetic ancestry to an extinct human species – what the researchers called a “ghost population.”

“We estimate interbreeding occurred approximately 43,000 years ago, with large intervals of uncertainty,” said University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) human genetics and computer science professor Sriram Sankararaman,







 Homo sapiens first appeared a bit more than 300,000 years ago in Africa and later spread worldwide, encountering other human species in Eurasia that have since gone extinct including the Neanderthals and the lesser-known Denisovans.

Previous genetic research showed that our species interbred with both the Neanderthals and Denisovans, with modern human populations outside of Africa still carrying DNA from both. But while there is an ample fossil record of the Neanderthals and a few fossils of Denisovans, the newly identified “ghost population” is more enigmatic.



 Sankararaman said this extinct species seems to have diverged roughly 650,000 years ago from the evolutionary line that led to Homo sapiens, before the evolutionary split between the lineages that led to our species and to the Neanderthals.




Robert Sepehr

 俺の印象:Robert Sepehrはネグロイド人種や未知の生物種を類人猿に近い種やホモ・サピエンスと類人猿の中間的な種と感じている。

 Robert Sepehrはネグロイド人種や未知の生物種を類人猿に近い種やホモ・サピエンスと類人猿の中間的な種と感じている。上記の動画を見ると、俺らはネグロイド人種やモンゴロイド人種に対する白人男性の本音を探ることができる。端的にいって、Robert Sepehrはネグロイド人種を同じホモ・サピエンスと感じていないだろう。

I’m of mostly west-african genetics, have lived there and am familiar with black people from various places. I’ve been thinking for many years that it would come out, soon, that some sub-saharan africans have “something” up there in the tree. There was also that weird book called “erectus walks among us”.

I don’t know how familiar you all are with africans but if you are, you will have noticed that some african blacks have a skull shape that’s not really that different from the eurasian norm. In pretty much every corner of black africa you can find orthognathous people who don’t have the protruding lower face. You can find people with relatively thin lips. They are out there and in some ethnic groups, I found that orthognathy was quite common. Then you meet the other kind of people. I encountered such people even as a child and I had a very hard time accepting that they were just homo sapiens. I have encountered myself some incredibly primitive looking people. It just didn’t make sense to me that there wasn’t “something else” in those people that was clearly visible. Based on my physionomy and skull shape, I wouldn’t expect that much homo erectus in me, though.

I think that modern human are primarily from an hominid species that lived in the area of north-africa and arabia. I think most of the DNA for all of us can be traced to these people. Then, as they expanded, they mixed with other “humans” and prevailed over them somehow. In eastern Asia they encountered Denisovans. In West Asia and Europe they bred with Neanderthal. In the Sahara and beyond, in the forest, they bred with some yet unknown primitives.



上記では、西アフリカ人の先祖は unknown primitives と交雑したらしい。このprimitivesの感覚はおそらく上記の動画における類人猿のような存在であるだろう。
