ナトゥーフ文化(英語:Natufian culture)は、紀元前12500年から紀元前9500年にかけてレバントに存在した亜旧石器文化。 人類史において農耕が始まる前であるにも関わらず、定住あるいは定住に近い生活が行われていた点に特徴がある。 おそらく世界最古の都市であるとされるイェリコは、この時期に建設された。 いくつかの考古学的証拠は、穀物、特にライ麦の計画的な栽培が、ナトゥーフ文化期後半にテル・アブ・フレイラにおいて行われていたことを示しており、これは人類史における最初の農耕の証拠である[1]。
俺系統の認識1.1 ナトゥーフ文化は文化である、かつそれは1万五千年前から1万年前にレヴァントでおそらくY染色体ハプログループE1b1によって形成された。
According to ancient DNA analyses conducted in 2016 by Iosif Lazaridis et al. and discussed in two articles “The Genetic Structure of the World’s First Farmers” (June 2016) and “Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East (July 2016)[24][39] on Natufian skeletal remains from present-day northern Israel, the remains of 5 Natufians carried the following paternal haplgroups:
E1b1b1b2 (xE1b1b1b2a, E1b1b1b2b) – meaning an unspecified branch of E1b1b1b2 E1b1 (xE1b1a1, E1b1b1b1) – i.e. a branch of E1b1 that is neither E1b1a1 nor E1b1b1b1. E1b1b1 – originally classified as CT but further defined as E1b1b1 by Martiniano et al. 2020.[40]
Haplogroup E1b1 is primarily distributed in Africa,[41] and is present at lower frequencies in the Middle East, mainly in Egypt (40%), Jordan (25%), Israel (20%), Palestine (20%), and Lebanon (17.5%).[42]
In terms of autosomal DNA, these Natufians carried around 50% of the Basal Eurasian (BE) and 50% of Western Eurasian Unknown Hunter Gatherer (UHG) components. However, they were distinct from the northern Anatolian populations that contributed to the peopling of Europe, who had Western Hunter Gatherer-like (WHG) inferred ancestry, in contrast to Natufians who lacked this component.
Natufians were strongly genetically differentiated,[43]This might suggest that different strains of Basal Eurasians contributed to Natufians and Zagros farmers,[44][45][46] as both Natufians and Zagros farmers descended from different populations of local hunter gatherers. Contact between Natufians, other Neolithic Levantines, Caucasus Hunter Gatherers (CHG), Anatolian and Iranian farmers is believed to have decreased genetic variability among later populations in the Middle East.
The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may have spread southward into East Africa, bringing along Western Eurasian and Basal Eurasian ancestral components separate from that which would arrive later in North Africa.